My friend wrote a blog post about How she lost her Testimony and then gave followers the opportunity to respond with their beliefs. Below is my reply:
Originally, I feared the day these posts would come. I respect you Collette and the choices you have made. As I read your blog I feel we have gone through a lot of similar things. Not all of course and none exactly, but I feel I can relate. So I was planning on not reading these posts just because I relate to you and I didn't need anything more to spark my emotions. But I read them, I am drawn to your blogs as it makes my reality seem a little less dark, just because I know I'm not alone in these battles. And even though I read them nothing drastic happened. I am still me. It has even helped me reflect on what I believe in. And this it, my strong and simple testimony:
That I am a daughter of God and I know he thinks about me everyday. I know that I go to church to learn because I forget a lot and my fiance knows very little. I know I go to church so I can sit by those that feel that God doesn't think about them often. I go to church to know that I am not the only one in this big crazy world that needs something or someone to lean on. I truly believe that most things should only be shared between myself and God. No middle man, because Heavenly Father knows me and can figure out what I'm trying to say. He knows that I'm good and trying my best. I don't have to explain myself he knows what my true intentions are. I believe that at the end of the day all of this will be sorted out in the here after. No matter what happens, God will make it right in the end. It may not be here on Earth, but it will be right. I know I have family and friends on the other side helping me and cheering me on or I would not be here today. All in all God just wants everyone to be happy (even those we wish would not be allowed the privilege to be happy). And my job is to help those I can be happy.
I have spent many years figuring this out and I am far from being done. I just feel like a lot of people just need to relax and not worry so much about who is right or wrong. We just need to learn to enjoy our neighbors company with the quirks and all.
PS Thank you Collette for this opportunity.