Sunday, May 29, 2011


I have been thinking a lot lately about the quote that says something like this,

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate,
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

The rest of the quote can be read here:

I have a friend who I see my old self in a lot and I know that is part of why I can not let go. The thing that saved me was that my Mother hung on and loved me no matter what. I want to do this for my friend but they are very mean and hurtful. I need to let go so I can be the powerful me. That I can open doors to a future that I could not have if I continue to be friends with this person.

I just need to take more pride in me and share with the world that I am indeed worth every ones time. For at this time I feel rather weak and need to pick myself up and become the person I know the world needs.

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